Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Features of Oracle Database 11g

Automatic Diagnostic Repository(ADR)
Oracle Database 11g offers a new automatic diagnostic repository (ADR), which provides a single directory location for all the diagnostic data needed for diagnosing and repairing database problems. The ADR uses standard methods to store diagnostic data for the database as well as other Oracle products. Various automatic diagnostic tools then use this diagnostic data to quickly diagnose and resolve problems. The ADR also provides a consolidated location for the collection of all diagnostic data you want to send to Oracle Support for diagnosing and resolving problems.

The ADR contains several subdirectories such as alert and cdump, where the traditional diagnostic data as well as new types of diagnostic data are stored. You have two versions of the alert log in Oracle Database 11g, one a regular text file and the other an XML-formatted file. You can read the alert log using a normal text editor, the Enterprise Manager, or the new ADRCI tool, which lets you perform a variety of tasks pertaining to problem diagnosis.

New Database Components
Oracle Application Express (APEX)- Oracle’s browser-based rapid application development tool, known earlier as Oracle HTML DB, now contains prepackaged applications for blogs, storefronts, and discussion forums, in addition to new reporting capabilities and support for drag-and-drop forms layout. APEX is now installed with Oracle database 11g as part of the base Oracle installation CD instead of the companion CD.

Oracle SQL Developer- Oracle’s free database development productivity tool, SQL Developer, is installed automatically when you choose a template-based database installation by selecting an installation option such as General Purpose/Transaction Processing and Data Warehousing. SQL Developer contains new tuning enhancements such as database activity reporting and expanded support for version control and visual query building.

Oracle Real Application Testing- This new component, which consists of two new features— Database Replay and SQL Performance Analyzer—is automatically installed when you select the Enterprise Edition installation option.

Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)- This is an optional component. The OCM gathers software configuration information and uploads it to the Oracle configuration repository.

Oracle Warehouse Builder- This tool is installed as part of the Oracle Database server software.   

Oracle Database Vault This tool is now installed with the Oracle Database 11g, butas an optional component, instead of as a component of the companion CD. The Oracle Database Vault installation provides a baseline security policy for the database. When you install the Oracle Database Vault, all security-related initialization parameters are assigned default values.

Components which are not in 11G but in 10g
The following components aren’t part of the Oracle Database 11ginstallation (but were part of the Oracle Database 10g release 2):
# iSQL*Plus
# Oracle Workflow
# Oracle Enterprise Manager Java Console
# Oracle Data Mining Scoring Engine
# Raw storage support for datafiles (installer only)

Role and Privilege Changes
Oracle Database 11g seeks to demarcate database administration and ASM administration. Oracle now recommends that you create an optional operating system level group for the users who’ll manage automatic storage management (ASM). You can do this during the installation or later on. Oracle Database 11g introduces the new operating system OS group named OSASM, exclusively for users who’ll manage ASM. Oracle recommends that you grant ASM access only to users who are members of the OSASM group. There is also a new ASM-related system privilege called SYSASM, which Oracle recommends that you grant to those users who perform ASM administrative tasks. The OSASM operating system group and the SYSASM system privilege are purely optional in this release.

New DBCA Options
Oracle Database 11gcontains quite a few changes in configuring databases through the DBCA. These include the configuration of the new automatic memory management feature, secure database configuration by default, and others. They are

Automatic Memory Management- The DBCA doesn’t specify values for the memory-related initialization parameters sga_targetand pga_aggregate_target by default. Instead, it uses the memory_target parameter, which allows you to configure the new automatic memory management feature. You select automatic memory management in the Memory Management page, as you’ll see
later in the DBCA database creation example.
Automatic Secure Configuration- The DBCA will configure a secure database by default in Oracle Database 11g. If you want, you can even configure this later on, but Oracle recommends that you opt for automatic secure configuration when you create the database.
Automatic switching to Grid Control- In previous releases, it took quite a bit of work to reconfigure a database from Database Control to Grid Control. In Oracle Database 11g, you can use the Enterprise Manager plug-in provided by the DBCA to automate the switching of a database from Database Control to Grid Control.
Configuration of Oracle Base and Diagnostic Destination- DBCA now uses the values for the Oracle base directory, stored in the Oracle home inventory, to derive the default locations for datafiles and the diagnostic_dest initialization parameter, which is the ADR base directory.

Some Parameter Default Values
#FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - Specifies the maximum number of times a user can try to log in. The default value for this parameter is 10, which is the same as in the previous release.
# PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - Specifies the number of days within which users must change their password before it expires. The default value for this setting is 7 days, whereas it was unlimited before.
# PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME- Sets the duration for which users can use the same password. This is set to 180 days by default, whereas it was unlimited before.
# PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - Sets the number of days for which an account will remain locked after a set number of failed attempts to log in. The default value is 1, compared to unlimited in the previous release.
# PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX - Sets the number of days that must pass before you can reuse a password after it expires. The default value is set to unlimited, the same value as before.
# PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME - Sets the number of new passwords you must use before you are permitted to reuse the current password. By default, there is no limit on the number of times you can reuse a password.
# PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME – It is now 7 days by default, instead of being unlimited.
# PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - It is set by default to 180 days, instead of being unlimited.
# PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME – It is 1 day, instead of being set to the value of DEFAULT as in the Oracle Database 10grelease.

Oracle 11g  Upgrade Path
Depending on your current database release, you may or may not be able to directly upgrade to the Oracle Database 11gRelease 1 (11.1) version. You can directly upgrade to Oracle Database Release 1 if your current database is based on an Oracle or newer release. For Oracle database releases older than Oracle, you have to migrate via one or two intermediate releases, as shown by the following upgrade paths:

#7.3.3 (or lower) => 7.3.4 => => 11.1
# 8.0.5 (or lower) => 8.0.6 => => 11.1
# 8.1.7 (or lower) => => => 11.1
# (or lower) => => => 11.1
# (or lower) => => 11.1

Upgrading with the DBUA- The DBUA is essentially unchanged from the Oracle Database 10g release. There are a couple of important changes which you’ll see when we go through a manual upgrade process. You’ll have an additional screen during the upgrade process, which asks you to specify a location for the diagnostic directory. The DBA automatically starts when you choose to upgrade your database during the installation of the Oracle Database 11gserver software. Note that when you use the manual upgrade method, you must upgrade an ASM instance separately, Where as the DBUA lets you perform the ASM upgrade along with the upgrade of the database instance.

Scripts to Run for Upgrading a Database- Upgrade an Oracle Database 10grelease database to the Oracle Database 11grelease using the Oracle-supplied scripts for upgrading a database. The following are the steps you use in upgrading a database to the Oracle Database 11g release:

# utlu111i.sql - The Pre-Upgrade Information tool
# catupgd.sql - The script that performs the actual upgrade process
# utlu111s.sql - The Post-Upgrade Status tool
# catuppst.sql - The post-upgrade actions script
# utlrp.sql - The script you run at the end of the upgrade process, to recompile all objects that were invalidated during the upgrade.

Real Application Testing
The Real Application testing feature, which consists of two separate tools, Database Replay and the SQL Performance Analyzer, is arguably the most significant new feature in the Oracle Database 11.1 release. The two new features address significant unmet needs regarding change management. Organizations often find that upgrading operating system or database server software or making major application changes is fraught with considerable risk. There simply is no way to predict how a production system is going to perform pursuant to major changes. Real Application Testing addresses this need by letting you quickly and exhaustively test changes using Oracle’s own tools instead of your having to resort to third-party tools that may not be able to capture all the required changes.

The new Oracle-supplied packages DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE and DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY provide the APIs for the Database Replay feature. The DBMS_SQLPA package supports the SQL performance Analyzer feature. The following sections first look at the Database Replay feature and then the SQL Performance Analyzer.

New System Testing Tools
As a DBA, one of the most bedeviling problems that I've regularly faced is to be able to predict accurately how the next set of changes to the database's application code, database patch set, or hardware configuration will affect that database's performance. That usually meant purchasing a relatively expensive third-party package (e.g., Mercury Interactive's  Load Runner) to generate a sample workload against the database using the next version of the application code, and then comparing the results against baseline performance for the current application code version.
Fortunately, Oracle Database 11g has come to the res-cue with two new utilities that offer monumental strides forward in system testing-
Database Replay
System changes such as a database upgrade require substantial testing and validation before you can actually migrate the changes to a production system. The trick is to simulate a real production workload on a test system. The Database Replay feature enables you to perform real-life testing of major changes by letting you capture the actual database workload on the production system and replay it on a test system. Thus, you essentially re-create the production workload effortlessly on a test system. Database Replay performs a sophisticated replay of the production workload by adhering to the original concurrency and timing characteristics. Once you complete the testing, you can analyze and review the reports produced by Database Replay to see if there was a performance divergence between the two runs and also if there were any errors. Finally, you can choose to implement the recommendations made by Database Replay to fix any problems it encountered during the replay of the production workload.

You can employ Database Replay to test significant system changes such as the
#Operating system and database upgrades and migrations.
# Configuration changes such as moving to an oracle RAC environment.
# Storage changes.

Database Replay doesn’t capture the following types of client requests:
# SQL*Loader direct path load of data
# Oracle Streams
# Data Pump Import and Export
# Advanced replication streams
# Non–PL/SQL-based Advanced Queuing (AQ)
# Flashback Database and Flashback queries
# Distributed transactions and remote describe/commit operations
# Shared server
# Non–SQL-based object access

The following data dictionary views help you manage the Database Replay feature:
# DBA_WORKLOAD_CAPTURES - It shows all workload captures you performed in a database.
# DBA_WORKLOAD_FILTERS – It shows all workload filters you defined in a database.
# DBA_WORKLOAD_REPLAYS – It shows all workload replays you performed in a database.
# DBA_WORKLOAD_REPLAY_DIVERGENCE – It helps monitor workload divergence.
# DBA_WORKLOAD_THREAD – It helps monitor the status of external replay clients.
# DBA_WORKLOAD_CONNECTION_MAP – It shows all connection strings used by workload replays.

SQL Performance Analyzer
SQL Performance Analyzer, which, along with the Database Replay constitutes the Total Replay
feature, lets you test the impact of potential changes such as a server or database upgrade on SQL workload response time. The SQL Performance Analyzer focuses on comparing the performance of a specific SQL workload before and after a major system change. The analyzer does this by building two versions of the SQL workload performance, which includes both the SQL execution plans as well as their execution statistics. After analyzing SQL performance both before and after you make a major
change, the SQL Performance Analyzer provides suggestions to prevent potential performance degradation of SQL statements. This is especially handy when you’re planning an upgrade of your database to a newer release of the Oracle database. The SQL Performance Analyzer, by enabling you to compare SQL performance on two systems running on different versions of the Oracle database, lets you know ahead of the upgrade which of the SQL statements may show a deterioration in performance. Thus, you can reengineer those statements prior to the actual upgrade.

You can use the SQL Performance Analyzer to predict performance changes resulting from the following system changes:
# Database and application upgrades
# Hardware upgrades
# Operating system upgrades
# Initialization parameter changes
# SQL tuning actions such as the creation of SQL profiles
# Statistics gathering
# Schema changes

Result Caches
I've often wished that the Oracle database would pro-vide a method to retain in memory the result set from a complex query that contains what I like to call reference information. These are data that hardly ever change, but must still be read and used across multiple applications. For instance, a list of all country codes and their corresponding names for lookup when processing addresses for new international customers, or a list of all the zip codes of North India. Oracle Database 11g fills this gap with three new structures called result caches, and each structure has a different purpose:
# The SQL query result cache is an area of memory in the Shared Global Area (SGA) that can retain the result sets that a query generates.
# The PL/SQL function result cache can store the results from a PL/SQL function call.
# Finally, the client result cache can retain results from queries or functions on the application server from which the call originated.

By retaining result sets in these in-memory caches, the results are immediately available for reuse by any user session. For user sessions that connect to the database through an application server, the client cache permits those sessions to simply share the results that are already cached on the application server without having to reissue a query directly against the database. These result caches therefore hold great promise for eliminating unnecessary "round trips" to the database
server to collect relatively static reference data that still.

Improved SQL Tuning
If you've already experienced the advice for SQL performance improvements that Oracle Database 10g's SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL Access Advisor provide, you'll be pleasantly surprised with Oracle Database 11g's enhanced SQL tuning capabilities. Here's a brief sample-

# SQL statements can now tune themselves via an expansion to the automatic SQL tuning features that were introduced in Oracle Database 10g.
# Statistics for the Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) are now published separately from being gathered. This means that recomputed statistics for the CBO will not necessarily cause existing cursors to become invalidated.
# Multi-column statistics can be collected for two or more columns in a table. This gives the CBO the ability to more accurately select rows based on common multi-column conditions or joins.
# SQL Access Advisor can now make recommendations on how partitioning might be applied to
existing tables, indexes, and materialized views to improve an application's performance.  
# Oracle Database 11g now supports retention of historical execution plans for a SQL statement. This
means that the CBO can compare a new execution plan against the original plan and, if the old plan still offers better performance than the new one, it can decide to continue to use the original execution plan.

Advisors and Fault Diagnostics
Oracle Database 10g introduced an impressive plethora of database performance advisors like the Segment Advisor, the Undo Advisor, the SQL Access Advisor, the SQL Tuning Advisor, the MTTR Advisor, and the ultimate expert system for tuning database performance: the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM). Oracle Database 11g expands this advisory framework with several new Database Repair Advisors. The chief goals of these new Advisors are to locate root causes of a failure, identify and present options for repairing these root causes, and even correct the identified problems with self-healing mechanisms. Oracle Database 11g also adds a series of improved fault diagnostics to make it extremely easy for even an inexperienced DBA to detect and quickly resolve problems with Oracle Database 11g. Here are the highlights of these new features-
# Automatic Health Monitoring. When a problem within the database is detected, the new Health Monitor (HM) utility will automatically perform a series of integrity checks to determine if the problem
can be traced to corruption within database blocks, redo log blocks, undo segments, or dictionary table blocks. HM can also be fired manually to perform checks against the database's health on a periodic basis.
# Automatic Diagnostic Repository. The Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) is at the heart of Oracle Database 11g's new fault diagnostic framework. The ADR is a central, file-based repository external to the database itself, and it's composed of the diagnostic data -- alert logs (in XML format), core dumps, back-ground process dumps, and user trace files -- collect-ed from individual database components from the first moment that a critical error is detected.
# Support Workbench. Though it's stored outside of the database itself, the ADR can be accessed via
either Enterprise Manager or command-line utilities. Once the ADR has detected and reported a critical
problem, the DBA can interrogate the ADR, report on the source of the problem, and in some cases
even implement repairs through the Support Workbench, a new facility that's part of Enterprise Manager.
# Incident Packaging Service. If the problem can't be solved using these tools, it may be time to ask for help from Oracle Support. The new Incident Packaging Service (IPS) facility provides tools for
gathering and packaging all necessary logs that Oracle Support typically needs to resolve a Service
# Hang Manager. Oracle Database 10g introduced the Hang Analysis tool in Enterprise Manager, and
Oracle Database 11g now expands this concept with the Hang Manager. Through a series of dynamic
views, it allows the DBA to traverse what's called a hang chain to determine exactly which processes and sessions are causing bottlenecks because they are blocking access to needed resources. And since it's activated by default on all single-instance databases, RAC clustered databases, and ASM instances, it's now possible to track down the source of a hang from one end of the system to the other.

Flashback Enhancements
Oracle Database 10g dramatically expanded database recoverability with the ability to perform an incomplete recovery of the database with Flashback Database. Oracle Database 10g also provided four new logical database recovery features: Flashback Table, Flashback Drop, Flashback Version Query, and Flashback Transaction Query. Oracle Database 11g expands this arsenal of recovery tools with two new. Flashback features-
# Flashback Transaction. Essentially an extension of the Flashback Transaction Query functionality introduced in Oracle Database 10g, Flashback Transaction allows the DBA to back out of the database one or more transactions -- as well as any corresponding dependent transactions -- by applying the appropriate reciprocal UNDO statements for the affected transaction(s) to the corresponding affected rows in the database.
# Total Recall. This new feature offers the ability to retain the reciprocal UNDO information for critical data significantly beyond the point in time that it would be flushed out of the UNDO tablespace. Therefore, it's now possible to hold onto these reciprocal transactions essentially indefinitely. Once this feature is enabled, all retained transaction history can be viewed, and this eliminates the cumbersome task of creating corresponding history tracking tables for critical transactional tables. And as you might expect, Oracle Database 11g also provides methods to automatically purge data retained in the data archive once a specified retention period has been exceeded.

Secure Files
Oracle Database 11g provides a series of brand-new methods for storing large binary objects (also known as LOBs) inside the database. These new features, collectively called Secure Files, will allow Oracle Database 11g to store images, extremely large text objects, and the more advanced data types introduced in prior Oracle releases (e.g., XML Type, Spatial, and medical imaging objects that utilize the DICOM [Digital Imaging and Communications In Medicine] format). Secure Files promises to offer performance that com-pares favorably with file system storage of these object types, as well as the ability to transparently compress and "deduplicate" these data. (Deduplication is yet another brand-new feature in Oracle Database 11g. It can detect identical LOB data in the same LOB column
that's referenced in two or more rows, and then stores just one copy of that data, thus reducing the amount of space required to store these LOBs.) Perhaps most importantly, Oracle Database 11g will also ensure that these data can be encrypted using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) methods - especially important (and welcome) in the current security-conscious environments we inhabit today as database administrators.

Improved Database Security
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 dramatically improved the options for encrypting sensitive data both within Oracle database tables and indexes, as well as outside the database (i.e., RMAN backups and Data Pump export files) with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). Oracle Database 11g continues to expand the use of TDE within the database. For example, it's now possible to encrypt data at the tablespace level as well as the table and index level. Also, logical standby data-bases can utilize TDE to protect data that's been transferred from its corresponding primary standby database site. Moreover, secured storage of the TDE master encryption key is ensured by allowing it to be stored
externally from the database server in a separate Hardware Security Module. Secure By Default. Oracle Database 11g also implements a new set of out-of-the-box security enhancements that are collectively called Secure By Default. These security settings can be enabled during data-base creation via the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), or they can be enabled later after the data-base has been created. Here's a sample of these new security features-
# Every user account password is now checked automatically to ensure sufficient password complexity is being used.
# To further strengthen password security, the DEFAULT user profile now sets standard values for password grace time, lifetime, and lock time, as well as for the maximum number of failed login attempts
# Auditing will be turned on by default for over 20 of the most sensitive DBA activities (e.g., CREATE ANY PROCEDURE, GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE, DROP USER, and so forth). Also, the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter is set to DB by default when the database is created, so this means that a data-base "bounce" will no longer be required to activate auditing
# Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) is now available for network callouts when using raw TCP (e.g.,
via the UTL_TCP package), FGAC will be able to construct Access Control Lists (ACLs) to provide fine-grained access to external network services for specific Oracle Database 11g database user accounts.
# Enterprise Manager now provides interfaces for direct management of the External Security Module
(ESM), Fine-Grained Auditing (FGA) policies, and Row-Level Security (RLS) policies.
# Finally, an RMAN recovery catalog can now be secured via Virtual Private Catalog to prevent unauthorized users from viewing backups that are registered within the catalog.

Partitioning Upgrades
Oracle Database 10g made a few important improvements to partitioned tables and indexes (e.g., hash-partitioned global indexes), but Oracle Database 11g dramatically expands the scope of  partitioning with several new composite partitioning options: Range Within Range, List Within Range, List Within Hash, and List Within List. And that's not all-
# Interval Partitioning. One of the more intriguing new partitioning options, interval partitioning is a special version of range partitioning that requires the partition key be limited to a single column with a data type of either NUMBER or DATE. Range partitions of a fixed duration can be specified just like in a regular range partition table based on this partition key. However, the table can also be partitioned dynamically based on which date values fall into a calculated interval (e.g., month, week, quarter, or even year). This enables Oracle Database 11g to create future new partitions automatically based on the interval specified without any future DBA intervention.
# Partitioning On Virtual Columns. The concept of a virtual column - a column whose value is simply the result of an expression, but which is not stored physically in the database - is a powerful new construct in Oracle Database 11g. It's now possible to partition a table based on a virtual column value, and this leads to enormous flexibility when creating a partitioned table. For example, it's no longer necessary to store the date value that represents the starting week date for a table that is range-partitioned on week number; the value of week number can be simply calculated as a virtual column instead.
# Partitioning By Reference. Another welcome partitioning enhancement is the ability to partition a table that contains only detail transactions based on those detail transactions' relationships to entries in another partitioned table that contains only master transactions. The relationship between a set of invoice line items (detail entries) that corresponds directly to a single invoice (the master entry) is a typical business example. Oracle Database 11g will automatically place the detail table's data into  appropriate sub-partitions based on the foreign key constraint that establishes and enforces the relationship between master and detail rows in the two tables. This eliminates the need to explicitly establish different partitions for both tables because the partitioning in the master table drives the partitioning of the detail table.
# Transportable Partitions. Finally, Oracle Database 11g makes it possible to transport a partitioned table's individual partitions between a source and a target database. This means it's now possible to create a tablespace version of one or more selected partitions of a partitioned table, thus archiving that partitioned portion of the table to another database server.

ASM Enhancements
Oracle Database 10g introduced Automatic Storage Management (ASM) that at its essence is a file system specifically developed for Oracle database files. Oracle Database 11g expands the reach of ASM with several new features, including-
# SYSASM Role. A new role, SYSASM, has been created so that ASM instances can be managed separately from the roles typically granted for traditional Oracle database instance management.
# ASM Rolling Upgrades. One of the most popular and sensible uses of ASM is in a Real Applications
Cluster (RAC) environment. Oracle Database 10g made it possible to initiate a rolling patch set upgrade to the software in the Oracle database home on each node in the cluster. This ensures that
the clustered database remains accessible at all times because at least one Oracle database instance is active while the patch set is applied to the other node(s). The good news is that Oracle Database 11g now extends this concept to ASM instances in a RAC clustered environment.
# Fast Mirror Resynchronization. An ASM disk group that's mirrored using ASM two-way or three-way mirroring could lose an ASM disk due to a transient failure (e.g., failure of a Host Bus Adapter, SCSI cable, or disk I/O controller). Should this occur, ASM will now utilize the Fast Mirror Resynchronization feature to quickly resynchronize only the extents that were affected by the temporary outage when the disk is repaired, thus reducing the time it takes to restore the redundancy of the mirrored ASM disk group.
# Preferred Mirror Read. An ASM disk group that's mirrored using ASM two-way or three-way mirroring requires the configuration of failure groups. (A failure group defines the set of disks across which ASM will mirror allocation units; this ensures that the loss of any disk(s) in the failure group doesn't cause data loss.) In Oracle Database 11g, it's now possible to inform ASM that it's acceptable to read from the nearest secondary extent (i.e., the extent that's really supporting the mirroring of the ASM allocation unit) if that extent is actually closer to the node that's accessing the extent. This feature is most useful in a Real Application Clusters (RAC) database environment, especially when the primary mirrored extent is not local to the node that's attempting to access the extent.
# Resizable Allocation Unit. Oracle Database 11g now permits an ASM allocation unit to be sized at
either 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB when an ASM disk group is first created. This means that larger sequential I/O is now possible for very large tablespaces, and/or tablespaces with larger block sizes. The extent size is now automatically increased as necessary and this allows an ASM file to grow up to the maximum of 128 TB as supported by Bigfile Tablespaces (BFTs).
# Improved ASMCMD Command Set. ASMCMD now includes several new commands that increase visibility of ASM disk group information, support faster restoration of damaged blocks, and retain and
restore complex metadata about disk groups:
# A system / storage administrator can execute the lsdsk command to view a list of all ASM disks even if an ASM instance is not currently running.
# The remap command utilizes the existing backup of a damaged block on an ASM-mirrored disk group to recover the damaged block to an alternate location elsewhere in the ASM disk group.
# Commands md_backup and md_restore allow a DBA to back up and restore, respectively, the meta-data reflecting the exact structure of an ASM disk group. These new commands are an immense boon
because the recreation of extremely large disk groups consisting of several dozen mount points can be
tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error.

Data Guard Enhancements
Last but most certainly not least, Oracle Database 11g adds plenty of enhancements to its flagship high-avail-ability solution for site survivability, Data Guard:
# Snapshot Standby Database. Prior versions of Oracle Database supported two types of standby
databases: the physical standby, which is an exact duplicate of the primary database and is updated via direct application of archived redo logs; and the logical standby, which contains the same logical information as the primary database, but whose data is organized and/or structured differently than on the primary database and which is updated via SQL Apply. Oracle Database 11g adds a third standby database type, the snapshot standby database, that's created by converting an existing physical standby database to this format. A snapshot standby data-base still accepts redo information from its primary, but unlike the first two standby types, it does not apply the redo to the database immediately; instead, the redo is only applied when the snapshot standby database is reconverted back into a physical standby. This means that the DBA could convert an existing physical standby database to a snapshot standby for testing purposes, allow developers or QA personnel to make changes to the snapshot standby, and then roll back those data created during testing and immediately reapply the valid production redo data, thus reverting the snapshot standby to a physical standby again.
# Rolling Database Upgrades Support Physical Standby Databases. Oracle Database 10g introduced
the ability to utilize SQL Apply to perform rolling upgrades against a primary database and its logical
standby database. During a rolling upgrade, the DBA first upgrades the logical standby database to the latest database version, and then performs a switchover to make the standby database the primary and vice versa. The original primary database is then upgraded to the new database version, and a switchover reverses the roles once again. This ensures that the only interruption to database access is the time it takes to perform the switchovers. The good news is that Oracle Database 11g now allows a rolling data-base upgrade to be performed on a physical standby database by allowing the physical standby to be converted into a logical standby database before the upgrade begins. After the rolling upgrade is completed, the upgraded logical standby is simply reconverted back into a physical standby.
# Real-Time Query Capability. Active Data Guard will now allow the execution of real-time queries against a physical standby database, even while the physical standby continues to receive and apply redo transactions via Redo Apply. (In prior releases, the physical standby could only be accessed for reporting if it was opened in read-only mode while the application of redo was suspended.) This means that a physical standby database can be utilized more flexibly for read-only reporting purposes; also, the considerable resources needed to create and maintain the standby environment may now be put to much more effective use.
# Expanded Data Type and Security Support. Oracle Database 11g now supports XML Type data stored in CLOB data types on logical standby databases. In addition, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) can now support encrypted table data as well as encrypted tablespaces, and Virtual Private Database (VPD) is supported for logical standby databases.
# Heterogeneous Data Guard. Finally, it's now possible to set up the primary database site using one
operating system (e.g., Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.4) while using another operating system (e.g., Windows 2003 Server) for the standby database site.
the MacGraw-Hill ‘s OCP Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrator

ASM Enhancements and Data Guard Enhancements

ASM Enhancements
Oracle Database 10g introduced Automatic Storage Management (ASM) that at its essence is a file system specifically developed for Oracle database files. Oracle Database 11g expands the reach of ASM with several new features, including-
# SYSASM Role. A new role, SYSASM, has been created so that ASM instances can be managed separately from the roles typically granted for traditional Oracle database instance management.
# ASM Rolling Upgrades. One of the most popular and sensible uses of ASM is in a Real Applications
Cluster (RAC) environment. Oracle Database 10g made it possible to initiate a rolling patch set upgrade to the software in the Oracle database home on each node in the cluster. This ensures that
the clustered database remains accessible at all times because at least one Oracle database instance is active while the patch set is applied to the other node(s). The good news is that Oracle Database 11g now extends this concept to ASM instances in a RAC clustered environment.
# Fast Mirror Resynchronization. An ASM disk group that's mirrored using ASM two-way or three-way mirroring could lose an ASM disk due to a transient failure (e.g., failure of a Host Bus Adapter, SCSI cable, or disk I/O controller). Should this occur, ASM will now utilize the Fast Mirror Resynchronization feature to quickly resynchronize only the extents that were affected by the temporary outage when the disk is repaired, thus reducing the time it takes to restore the redundancy of the mirrored ASM disk group.
# Preferred Mirror Read. An ASM disk group that's mirrored using ASM two-way or three-way mirroring requires the configuration of failure groups. (A failure group defines the set of disks across which ASM will mirror allocation units; this ensures that the loss of any disk(s) in the failure group doesn't cause data loss.) In Oracle Database 11g, it's now possible to inform ASM that it's acceptable to read from the nearest secondary extent (i.e., the extent that's really supporting the mirroring of the ASM allocation unit) if that extent is actually closer to the node that's accessing the extent. This feature is most useful in a Real Application Clusters (RAC) database environment, especially when the primary mirrored extent is not local to the node that's attempting to access the extent.
# Resizable Allocation Unit. Oracle Database 11g now permits an ASM allocation unit to be sized at
either 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB when an ASM disk group is first created. This means that larger sequential I/O is now possible for very large tablespaces, and/or tablespaces with larger block sizes. The extent size is now automatically increased as necessary and this allows an ASM file to grow up to the maximum of 128 TB as supported by Bigfile Tablespaces (BFTs).
# Improved ASMCMD Command Set. ASMCMD now includes several new commands that increase visibility of ASM disk group information, support faster restoration of damaged blocks, and retain and
restore complex metadata about disk groups:
# A system / storage administrator can execute the lsdsk command to view a list of all ASM disks even if an ASM instance is not currently running.
# The remap command utilizes the existing backup of a damaged block on an ASM-mirrored disk group to recover the damaged block to an alternate location elsewhere in the ASM disk group.
# Commands md_backup and md_restore allow a DBA to back up and restore, respectively, the meta-data reflecting the exact structure of an ASM disk group. These new commands are an immense boon
because the recreation of extremely large disk groups consisting of several dozen mount points can be
tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error.

Data Guard Enhancements
Last but most certainly not least, Oracle Database 11g adds plenty of enhancements to its flagship high-avail-ability solution for site survivability, Data Guard:
# Snapshot Standby Database. Prior versions of Oracle Database supported two types of standby
databases: the physical standby, which is an exact duplicate of the primary database and is updated via direct application of archived redo logs; and the logical standby, which contains the same logical information as the primary database, but whose data is organized and/or structured differently than on the primary database and which is updated via SQL Apply. Oracle Database 11g adds a third standby database type, the snapshot standby database, that's created by converting an existing physical standby database to this format. A snapshot standby data-base still accepts redo information from its primary, but unlike the first two standby types, it does not apply the redo to the database immediately; instead, the redo is only applied when the snapshot standby database is reconverted back into a physical standby. This means that the DBA could convert an existing physical standby database to a snapshot standby for testing purposes, allow developers or QA personnel to make changes to the snapshot standby, and then roll back those data created during testing and immediately reapply the valid production redo data, thus reverting the snapshot standby to a physical standby again.
# Rolling Database Upgrades Support Physical Standby Databases. Oracle Database 10g introduced
the ability to utilize SQL Apply to perform rolling upgrades against a primary database and its logical
standby database. During a rolling upgrade, the DBA first upgrades the logical standby database to the latest database version, and then performs a switchover to make the standby database the primary and vice versa. The original primary database is then upgraded to the new database version, and a switchover reverses the roles once again. This ensures that the only interruption to database access is the time it takes to perform the switchovers. The good news is that Oracle Database 11g now allows a rolling data-base upgrade to be performed on a physical standby database by allowing the physical standby to be converted into a logical standby database before the upgrade begins. After the rolling upgrade is completed, the upgraded logical standby is simply reconverted back into a physical standby.
# Real-Time Query Capability. Active Data Guard will now allow the execution of real-time queries against a physical standby database, even while the physical standby continues to receive and apply redo transactions via Redo Apply. (In prior releases, the physical standby could only be accessed for reporting if it was opened in read-only mode while the application of redo was suspended.) This means that a physical standby database can be utilized more flexibly for read-only reporting purposes; also, the considerable resources needed to create and maintain the standby environment may now be put to much more effective use.
# Expanded Data Type and Security Support. Oracle Database 11g now supports XML Type data stored in CLOB data types on logical standby databases. In addition, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) can now support encrypted table data as well as encrypted tablespaces, and Virtual Private Database (VPD) is supported for logical standby databases.
# Heterogeneous Data Guard. Finally, it's now possible to set up the primary database site using one
operating system (e.g., Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.4) while using another operating system (e.g., Windows 2003 Server) for the standby database site.